Educational Qualification |
Upper Age Limit |
Month of Notification |
Month of Exam |
Month of Result |
Links |
Scheme of Exam |
(%) Cut Off Marks Required |
Tentative Vacancies |
Recruiting Agency |
Job Profile |
Emoluments per Month (+Allowances) |
Website |
Percentage of Exam Syllabus Overlaps with UPSC |
Defense Exams |
(AFCAT) Air Force Common Admission Test(biannually) |
XIIth(Maths & Physics-50% Marks Each), UG/PG/B.E/B.Tech/AMIE/ASI=60% NCC Air Wing/CA/CMA/CS/CFA |
Only Unmarried Male/Female (20-25 Yrs) |
AFCAT 1:- December | AFCAT 2:- May/June |
AFCAT 1:- February | AFCAT 2:- Aug/Sep |
AFCAT 1:- March | AFCAT 2:- November |
1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material |
Exam-two stages(MCQ) Written Test. (1.AFCAT Exam(300Marks) Mandatory, Gen Aware, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test | 2. EKT – Engineering Knowledge Test(100Marks), (Mech/CS/Elec) only-Ground Duty Technical branch) And Personality Test |
Tentative |
~300 |
(IAF) Indian Air Force |
(SSC) Short Service Commission -Flying Branch/ Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Branches. (PC)Permanent Commission, |
Level 10 Pay Matrix of 7th PC, [Rs 56,100 – Rs 1,77,500] |
https://careerindianairforce.cdac.in | https://afcat.cdac.in |
National Defence & Naval Academy (N.D.A I) & (N.D.A II) |
XIIth Pass/Appearing(PCM) A citizen of India A subject of Nepal/PIO |
Only Unmarried Male/Female (16.5-19.5 Yrs) |
N.D.A I – Dec/Jan | N.D.A II – May/June |
N.D.A I – April | N.D.A II -Sep |
N.D.A I – Tentative | N.D.A II – Tentative |
1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material |
1. Written (MCQ) : Paper I: Math(300) Paper II: Gen Mental Ability (600) Part A(Eng) and Part B. (Gen Know:- Phy, Chem,G.Sci, Hist, Geo, Polity & CA) | 2. SSB Interview. Stage I: (OIR) & (PP&DT). Stage II: Interview, GTO, Psych & Conference 3. Medical Exam |
20%-25% of Marks in Each Subject |
NDA: Army ~200: Navy ~40 Air Force ~120 Naval Academy ~30 |
(UPSC ) Union Public Service Commission |
National Defence Academy (NDA) Army Wing, Naval Wings & Air Force |
Rs 56K-Rs 2.5 lakh Based on Rank |
http://upsc.gov.in |
(SSC) Staff Selection Commission |
(SSC) Staff Selection Commission -CHSL |
CHSL: 10+2(Sci-Math) Pass/Appearing, A citizen of India A Subject of Nepal/Bhutan/PIO |
GM : 18-27 years OBC(+3) : SC/ST(+5) : PwBD(UR)(+10) : PwBD(OBC)(+13): PwBD(SC/ST)(+15) |
April |
CHSL: June/ July |
Tentative |
1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material |
CBE Exam- in two tiers: Tier 1: I. Eng Lang II. Gen Intelligence III. Quant Aptitude IV Gen Awareness Tire II:- Section I:- Module I:Math Abilities Module II: Reasoning & Gen Intelligence Section II:- ModuleI: Eng Lang & Comprehension Module II: Gen Awareness Section III: Module I: Computer Knowledge Module II: Skill Test |
Tier I and Tier II: UR 30%: OBC/EWS 25%: All other Categories 20% |
3700 |
(SSC) Staff Selection Commission |
(CHSL) Group C:- Lower Divisional Clerk/Jr Sec Ass & DEO for various Ministries Dept/GoI & Various Constitutional/Statutory Bodies/Tribunals etc.. |
Rs 20K-Rs 90K |
https://ssc.nic.in |
(SSC) Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ (D-Only Male in BRO) Examination |
XIIth/Equivalent Board. A citizen of India A subject of Nepal/Bhutan |
GM : 18-30/27 years OBC(+3): SC/ST(+5) : PwD(UR)(+10): PwD(OBC)(+13): PwD(SC/ST)(+15) |
July/ August |
December |
Tentative |
1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material |
2 Tier Exam (Online) 1. Written CBT(MCQ-200Marks) : I. Gen Intel & Reas ll. Gen Aware III. Eng Lang & Comprehension 2. Shorthand Dictation(Skill Test) Skill Test (English/Hindi) |
Min Qualifying Marks in CBE UR:30%: OBC/EWS:25% All other Categories 20% |
~2000 |
(SSC) Staff Selection Commission |
Stenographer (Short hand), Grade C & Grade D in Various Ministries Depts and Diff Organs of GOI/State/UT |
Rs 20K~ Rs30K |
https://ssc.nic.in |