Govt Jobs - After Degree- Civil Services Examination

Calendar of Events for Various (Central and Kar State) Govt Competitive Exams (AAfter Degree)

Civil Services Examination

Govt Exam/Agency Educational Qualification Upper Age Limit Month of Notification Month of Exam Month of Result Links Scheme of Exam (%) Cutoff Marks Required Tentative Vacancies Recruiting Agency Job Profile Emoluments per Month (+Allowances) Website Percentage of Exam Syllabus overlap with UPSC
(UPSC- CSE) Civil Service Examination Any Graduation GM : 21-32 Yrs (6 Attempts), OBC (+3) : (9 Attempts), SC/ST (+5) : (up to age Limit) February Prelims: May/June , Mains: September, Interview date: Tentative Tentative. (60-70 Days before the Next Prelims Test) 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material 1. Preliminary(Screening) Test: MCQ , Paper 1 (GS1-3) – 200 Marks , Paper 2 (CSAT) – 200 Marks , Qualifying-33% 2. Main Exam(Descriptive) Eng & Language:- Qualifying GS-1:- Hist/Geo(250 Marks) GS-2:-Polity,Gov,IR, Soc Just(250 Marks) GS-3:- Eco/EVS/Ecology/G.Sci/DM/Int Sec(250 Marks) GS-4:- Ethics( 250 Marks) Essay(250 Marks) and Optional [Paper (1+2)-500 Marks] 3. Personality Test : 275 Marks 1. Preliminary Test : Paper I > 110-120 Marks Paper II > 33% of Marks 2. Mains + 3. Interview = 50% of Marks ~1056 (UPSC ) Union Public Service Commission All India Service(IAS/IPS/IFoS) All 24 Posts in Group A & B – Central Govt Services Rs 56K+/Month UPSC Syllabus as Standard Reference
(KPSC KAS) Group A Group B Any Bachelor’s Degree GM: 21 – 38 Yrs(5 Attempts) OBC(+3) : (7 Attempts) SC/ST(+5) : (No Limit) PwBD(+10) : Attempt as per Clause February Prelims:- August , Mains:- November, Interview:- Tentative Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Preliminary Test(Qualifying): Paper 1 – Gen Studies(CA) + Humanities:- 200 Marks, Paper 2 – Gen Studies(St CA), Sci & Tech, EVS and Ecology,GMAT:- 200 Marks, Main Exam: Qualifying(Eng & Kann) Essay and GS(1-4), Personality Test : 25 Marks Prelims Result > 180 Marks Main Exam > 50% of Marks Group A – 159, Group B -225 (KPSC) Karnataka Public Service Commission Group A Posts: Asst. Commissioner Comm Tax, Asst. Director/Sec-Gr-1, Dy SP… Group B Posts: Thahashildar Grade-II, Commercial Tax Inspector, Labour Officer, Asst Superintendent… Rs 55K/Month 80% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS
(IB) Intelligence Bureau (Xth+5Yrs Exp in Parent Cadre/Dept to Degree)+2Yrs of Exp in Security/Intelligence Work, Computer Knowledge GM: 18Yrs – 56Yrs March June Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Tier 1 (Online) MCQ – 100 Marks Gen Studies/Aware…, Quant, Analytical Ability & Eng Lang Tier 2 : Descriptive type- 50Marks Tier 3 : Personality Test- 100 Marks Tentative ~660-995 (Deputation/Absorption) (MHA) Ministry of Home Affairs Non Gazetted, Group B & Group C [Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO), JIO & SA…] (Rs29K-Rs47K)/Month 100% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS
(IB-ACIO) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Any Bachelor’s Degree; Knowledge of computers GM: 18-27 Yrs. OBC(+3) : SC/ST(+5) : December Tier 1:- February, Tier :- July, Interview:- March and April Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Tier-I (online mode) General Awareness; Quantitative Aptitude; Numerical/analytical/logical ability & Reasoning; English Language; General Studies Tier-2 (Descriptive type) Essay; English comprehension & precise writing. Tier-III (Interview) aptitude based questions. Tentative ~1500-2000 (MHA) Ministry of Home Affairs IB-ACIO- Grade II/Exe in IB ; Group ‘C’ (Non-gazetted, NonMinisterial) post Level 7 (Rs.44,900-1,42,400) 100% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS
KPSC (PDO) Panchayat Development Officer (HK & RPC) Any Degree GM: 18 – 35 Yrs. (with age relaxation for certain categories) Tentatively (March) August Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Kannada language Test. Paper -I(100 Marks) GK(Hist, Geo, Polity, Sci & Tech, Eco, CA and EVS) Paper – II-(100 Marks) (a) Gen Kann (b) Gen Eng (c) Computer knowledge PDO Exam > 56% of Marks 247(97 for HK &150 RPC) (KPSC) Karnataka Public Service Commission Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department (Gram Panchayat Secretary Grade – 1) Rs 38K/Month 80% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS
(SSC- CGL) Combined Graduate Level Any Bachelor’s Degree with (60% Math in XIIth/Statistics/Law), A citizen of India , A Subject of Nepal/Bhutan/PIO GM: 18-32 Yrs. OBC(+3) : SC/ST(+5) : PwD(+10) : June Tier-I:- Sep – Oct Tier-II:-Dec Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Tier-1 (200 Marks) and Tier-II (250Marks)(CBT) Gen Intelligence/Awareness, Reasoning, Quant, Eng Comprehension, Math Abilities, Computer Knowledge, Data Entry Speed Test and Statistics. Unreserved – 30 % EWS/OBC – 25% Other – 20% ~17000+ (SSC) Staff Selection Commission Various Post in Group B & C (Diff Min/Dept/Org of GOI) Level (4-7) (Rs 25K-Rs 45K) 80% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS
(IFoS) Indian Forest Services Examination Degree in Science or Engg A citizen of India A Subject of Nepal/Bhutan/PIO CSE = IFoS February Prelims : May , Mains : November , Mains : November, Interview:- Tentative Tentative 1. Notification 2. Exam Introduction 3. Syllabus 4. PYQP 5. Booklist 6. Strategy 7. Job Profile 8. Test Series 9. FAQ 10. Download Material Prelims & Mains UPSC CSE = IFoS Except Optional Interview: 300 marks Tentative ~150 (UPSC ) Union Public Service Commission Indian Forest Services (IFoS) Rs 60K+/Month 70% SYLLABUS OVERLAPS

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